Here is a Bergenia, commonly know as pigsqueak, which seems to be on steroids. This extra-large-growing selection first caught my attention in the Sweetpea’s display at Canada Blooms last March. I was immediately drawn to its upright nature and the overall size of the dark green, ruffled foliage. We managed to secure a few of these perennials to provide bold textural contrast in mixed planters in the TBG gardens. In late spring, its arching stems of pink blossoms were admired by garden visitors and enjoyed by many of the bumblebees feeding in the garden. Bergenia ‘Magic Giant’ continues to impress even at this time of year, with its dramatic autumn burgundy leaf colour, as above. I just love it and am trying to obtain additional plants to be added to the TBG’s collection next year, as well as a few extras for May’s TBG Plant Sale. Later this week, the plants shown here will be heeled into the garden to overwinter, and just in the nick of time, these containers will be planted up with spring flowering bulbs to add a welcome splash of colour next May.
To see what else is going on in our gardens, please visit Sandra Pella’s “What’s in Bloom” blog by clicking here.