Weston Family Library

Weston Family Library has Canada’s largest privately held botanical and horticultural collection. The public is welcome to browse the collection online or during opening hours. Come in for a visit! Click here for current hours.

TBG Members enjoy borrowing privileges to books, magazines, digital resources, reference services, and a children’s collection. Not a member? JOIN TODAY!

Catalogue Search

Our collection consists of over 10,000 books and magazine titles.​​ We have resources to suit every interest and skill level from the novice to the Master Gardener.

Special Collections

The Weston Family Library hosts many collections such as The Toronto Herb Society and the Southern Ontario Orchid Society. Everyone is welcome to browse and use our collection. 

Online Digital Magazines

Read a digital magazine with Flipster. Look for the dropdown menu on the library’s catalogue. You will be required to login into your library account.

Library Programs

Book Lists

Doing research for your next gardening project? Looking for a specific author? The library has books lists just for you! Look through our lists, select the books you want to read, and place them on hold. We’ll contact you when your books are ready for Curbside Pickup… it’s that easy!

Seed Library

The Toronto Botanical Garden (TBG) Seed Library is OPEN! Visit the Weston Family Library at the TBG and ask our volunteers about the Seed Library. The Seed Library is open and available Monday -Friday from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm. If you are interested in checking out seeds, please visit us!

If you have seeds to donate, we are also accepting donations. Please organize donations by plant type – vegetable, fruit, herb, perennial, and annual. Please make sure they are packaged with their common names and year of collection. We will not accept donations that have collection dates that are older than 2023.

Questions, please email [email protected]