And, just like that, the 2023 season comes to an end.
Here at Toronto Botanical Garden, we are lucky to be supported by you, our members, volunteers, and donors. We are thankful for your investments and contributions to the Garden we love. Because of you, TBG is a thriving community green space, offering nature-based public programming and respite among beautiful landscapes.
Let’s review the best of Botanical Buzz and look back to what you had to say about our little slice of Toronto paradise.
Make Mistakes
Aruna, Adult & Family Programs Supervisor, is the biggest advocate for experimenting. Her biggest piece of advice is to try new things and make mistakes. “Don’t be afraid to try a new technique. If your plant dies, compost it, and start from the beginning—it’s okay to re-invent your plant collection and yourself,” she says.
10,000 Resources at the Library
Alison, TBG volunteer, stumbled upon the Garden’s library and was blown away by the reading material. “I had no idea that this resource was here,” she says. “I wish I wasn’t as busy behind the desk because I would just start reading through all the books on the shelf. It’s a well-kept secret that deserves more attention.”
A Lifetime of Memories
Families like this grow alongside the TBG, using the space to celebrate life’s greatest moments. From retirement parties to graduation photos, TBG volunteer Laura says that “the Garden supports them.” Not only is the Garden itself special, but so are the interconnected surrounding spaces. “We use TBG and Edwards Garden as a passageway to get to Wilket Creek and Sunnybrook Park — it’s a great link to the rest of the park system,” says Laura. The TBG is part of the city’s fabric — growing with people as Toronto continues to expand. “The changes over the seasons are nice to observe,” says Julia, TBG volunteer. “That’s the special thing about outdoor spaces; each day it’s different.”
A Supportive Community Space
The Garden is dependable. It’s a supportive space; one that is constant through the highs and lows of a person’s life. “It’s just relaxing and planting things that grow and become beautiful during the different seasons,” TBG volunteer Paul says. He appreciates that TBG is a place of rest, peace, and community. “The city is growing so fast and its nice to come to a place to that is quiet and everyone here is happy,” he remarks.
A Community of Plant People
TBG is home to many plant societies, full of members who support each other. “Once you find one plant person, you find them all,” says Gil, TBG volunteer. We are a connected community, working towards one goal, especially here at TBG.” Now he is a proud Toronto Master Gardener in training and a part of the Toronto Nature Stewards.
Gratitude for Friends and Flowers
Volunteering is wider than the time commitment. It is an opportunity to connect and to learn. “I’ve become so interested in plants, flowers, perennials, and annuals,” Ian, TBG volunteer, says. “I’m even looking into horticulture classes and taking out books from the library.” And, not to mention the people (again!). Amidst Ian’s journey, he has immense gratitude for the Seasonal Horticulturists and the insights shared by the Master Gardeners. “I’ve been impressed by the people who have subject-matter knowledge and use it to solve problems.”
Toronto Botanical Garden: An Extension of Your Backyard
“I live in the neighborhood,” says Bianca Da Costa, TBG volunteer. “Toronto Botanical Garden is an extension of my backyard.” With a deep sense of pride, Bianca has woven herself into the fabric of the Garden, forging connections and nurturing a sense of community.
Fostering a Garden for All and Access to Green Space for Everyone
As a tour guide, Judy, TBG volunteer, bridges the gap between people and plants. Spreading joy about nature, plants, and flowers with visitors is her passion. Even outside of the tours, Judy can’t help but express her enthusiasm for nature with everyone. Often, while gardening, Judy would get lost in conversations about perennials with her friends and neighbours. “It’s interesting to figure out what’s blooming,” she says.
Toronto Botanical Garden is wrapping up the 2023 Hearts and Flowers Campaign and could use your help to cross the finish line. Donate to support year round programming and to beautify the Garden you love. Donate at