Butterflies, Hummingbirds and Bees… Oh my!
Discover playful and positive ways you can welcome “special guests” into your home garden. Visit our attractive balcony gardens (“attractive” in every sense of the word) at Canada Blooms in March and First Canadian Place in April, which showcase pollinator-friendly plants along with easy DIY projects and insider tips on creating a pollinator habitat.
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Changing your planting style can be a win-win for you and your “special pollinator guest”. By attracting pollinators to your garden, you can increase your garden’s yield while improving the health of your local beneficial insect population. Mix it up. Incorporate edibles in your plantings. Use parsley and thyme as edging plants in the veggie garden, in your pots or a perennial border. Rosemary, too! All of these are fragrant when you brush up against them, cold-tolerant so they last well into the fall, and look great too!. Good for you…and good for pollinators too.
More than 90 per cent of flowering plants need the assistance of a pollinator to procreate. Start a trend in your neighborhood by giving your garden an “attractive” makeover. Plant pollinator patches of bee and butterfly-friendly plants. Install a DIY bee house to attract native solitary bees. Leave a few bare batches of earth amongst the mulch for ground-nesting bees. Place some rocks or branches in your birdbath where pollinators can rest and have a drink. Then dust off the welcome mat and get ready for your guests to arrive.

A garden is one of the simplest ways to bring balance and serenity into your busy urban lifestyle. Plants and gardens feed more than the table, they feed the soul. Our bodies’ immune systems respond positively to the time we spend immersed in nature’s beauty. Reap the personal benefits of connecting with nature by turning your green oasis into a restorative retreat.

There are many things you can do to improve air quality in your indoor space. Consider adding double-duty plants that not only look great, but clean the air as well. Plants convert CO2 into the oxygen we breathe while also absorbing toxins like benzene, formaldehyde and/or trichloroethylene. Micro-organisms in the potting mix can also remove toxins from the indoor air. To achieve optimal air purification, use a ratio of one potted plant (growing in a 8-10 inch container) for every 100 square feet of living or office space. Be sure to keep the foliage of your plants dust-free so they can effectively purify the air.
Balcony Garden Design Collaboration: Toronto Botanical Garden and Urban Garden
Décor, Planting and Interpretation: Toronto Botanical Garden
Many thanks to our supportive partners:
Media Partner
GardenMaking MAGAZINE
“Wild for Bees” Bee Hotel: Sustainable.TO | Pollinator Partnership Canada | Burt’s Bees | Fairmont Hotels and Resorts