What’s in Bloom in September

Coreopsis tripteris ‘Lightning Flash’ Discovered by Mark Messenbrink at his nursery in North Carolina, this Coreopsis is known just as much for us full season gold foliage as it is for its delightful yellow blooms.  Reaching 3-5’ this beautiful perennial can be found in the perennial border.  It is a Late Summer bloomer, just beginning to bloom this week.  

A recent addition to the perennial border this Physostegia virginiana (Obedient Plant) is a sun loving perennial, that can handle a hot dry location (after its established). Called the Obedient plant because the individual flowers are on hinges, and can be moved in any direction and will stay where moved (within reason of course) a garden favourite with children! 

A psychedelic flower? No… just a comfy spot to rest overlooking the garden.  This white-lipped snail has found the perfect spot to socially distance in the middle of a Rudbeckia subtomentosa ‘Little Henry’ coming into bloom next to the metasequoia tree in the perennial border.  The unique shape of this rudbeckia makes it stand out in any garden.  

This native plant is one that has always been intriguing in the garden.  Beautiful pinkish-white bracts, with spotted yellow and white blooms in a pagoda style.  A short-lived perennial that is a member of the Beebalm clan, is a conversation piece in any garden!  Who said native plants aren’t beautiful? Found blooming in our native plant seed bed adjacent to the parking lot.  

Another native blooming in our native seed bed this week is the Hoary Vervain, (Verbena stricta) is a long blooming, late summer, clumping perennial. With its lavender colour blooms and nice plant habit, this native is a great addition to any perennial border.  

Native to East Asia, the Caryopteris, commonly known as Bluebeard is a pollinator magnet with aromatic foliage.  This plant tends to die to the ground each winter in our area, but blooms late in the season, on new wood; so is a great addition to the late summer / early fall garden.

‘Ivory Feathers’ Dwarf Pampas Grass, Cortaderia selloana ‘Pumila’ decided to show off with a bloom! Technically a zone 7 plant, this was added to one of the planters done through the TBG Gifts for the Garden Campaign!  Light white plumes, airy and simply beautiful.