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Get the Jump on Spring 2025

February 22 @ 10:00 am 4:00 pm

Toronto Botanical Garden’s annual Horticultural Open House with OVER 30 plant and garden-related vendors and exhibitors including local horticultural societies, garden clubs, and environmental organizations.

Saturday, February 22, 2025, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
FREE Admission. $2 suggested minimum donation

This one-day garden extravaganza includes:

NEW! Houseplant HQ

You’ll be able to purchase unique plants and learn more about being a plant parent.

Free Garden Chats

Drop-in to the Weston Family Library for these casual and informative garden conversations. No registration is required.

  • Favourite Tools – 11:30 a.m. 
  • Seed Starting – 1:30 p.m. 
  • Favourite Vegetables – 2:30 p.m. 

Garden Advice Clinic

Toronto Master Gardeners are happy to answer your gardening questions, one-on-one. Photos are always appreciated.

Free Plant Swap
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Bring as many plants as you wish to trade. If there isn’t anything of interest on the table when you arrive, add your plant(s) and take a ticket to redeem later when you see something new you’d like to try.

Exhibit: Floating Garden

An incredible hanging garden installation featuring hundreds of flowers and plants collected from the Garden and dried onsite. The perfect indoor winter refuge and new year selfie station. Entrance from the lobby, down the hallway by the Weston Family Library. Designed and installed by the TBG Horticulture team.

Exhibit: 36 Questions That Will Lead to Loving Toronto’s Green Spaces

Visitors are invited to explore the many ways Torontonians appreciate and find connections with green spaces in the city — highlighting the interplay of urban living with nature, parks, and wildlife.
Opening Friday, February 14, 2025
Hosted in partnership with the Museum of Toronto

Outdoor Firepits 

Our outdoor firepits will warm you up to the beauty of winter. Grab a bench and wrap yourself in a cozy blanket. Listen to campfire Plant poetry with Sasan Beni from 11:45 to 12:30 p.m.

Garden Shop 

Brimming with essentials for gardeners of all ages including seeds, seed starting kits, houseplants, and a curated selection of local, earth-friendly products. Be sure to belly up to the botanical bar for a guided tasting of local Ontario honey.

Winter Workshops

Led by members of the TBG horticultural team and Toronto Master Gardeners. Registration is required.

Seed Library

Visit the Weston Family Library where you can borrow seeds, for FREE! Feel free to bring in your seeds to add to our collection.

For more information on the Seed Library contact Lee Robbins, Manager of Library Services

Click here for directions and parking information.

Ways you can help reduce waste at this event

  • TBG will have waste stations for reuseable, recyclable and compostable materials with hands-on volunteers to assist.
  • Bring your water bottle and take advantage of our complimentary water station, bring your mug, plate, or cutlery.
  • You are encouraged to bring your reusable bags or boxes to carry your seeds, plants, or garden-related treasures home.


February 22
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Event Category: