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BLOOM: Dance+Circus in the Garden

Toronto Botanical Garden 777 Lawrence Ave E, Toronto

An immersive indoor/outdoor, high-flying dance, circus, and garden experience with storytelling, aerial tricks, beauty, and joy. You'll be led through the garden to secret performance locations where cheeky gnomes, nimble …


Guided Tours: TBG and Edwards Gardens

Toronto Botanical Garden 777 Lawrence Ave E, Toronto

Get the most out of your visit to the gardens by booking a tour with a knowledgeable guide. This 90-minute tour includes a guided walk through the intimate themed gardens …

Guided Tours: Wilket Creek Ravine

Toronto Botanical Garden 777 Lawrence Ave E, Toronto

Get the most out of your visit to the gardens by booking a tour with a knowledgeable guide. This 90-minute tour includes a guided walk through the Toronto Botanical Garden …