Each week we study the form, shape, texture, size, colouring and characteristics of a natural element to discover new ways it can be used. Join Margaret Taylor in this hands-on program. Each week a different natural material – wood, branches, foliage and fruit and vegetables – will take centre stage. These elements have always been included in arrangements but here we will make them the stars of the show! We will study their forms and shapes, textures, sizes, colouring and characteristics to discover the new and exciting ways they can be used. Join us on this journey of discovery. Materials extra.
Thursdays, April 7 through 28, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Public $200, TBG Member or Volunteer $160 (plus fees + HST)
About Margaret Taylor
For more than 15 years, Margaret’s passion for flowers has led her to exhibit, judge, demonstrate and teach floral design in Canada and abroad. A recipient of many awards, Margaret’s accolades include Canada Blooms’ Founder’s Gold Cup for Best in Show. Margaret has also won Best in Show on two occasions at the provincial triennial show and as a result, has been chosen to represent Canada in two world shows. It was her greatest honour to exhibit for Canada both in Boston and in India. Margaret is currently a floral design judge accredited by the Garden Clubs of Ontario, a horticultural judge accredited by the Royal Botanical Gardens, and a rose judge accredited by the Canadian Rose Society. Margaret is also a Sogetsu Ikebana teacher and exhibitor. Much lauded for her design acumen by the horticultural community, she is a past president of the Garden Club of Toronto and is a coordinator of floral design studies at Toronto Botanical Garden.
Safe Program Access
To ensure the safety of our participants and instructors, all staff, volunteers, and participants will be required to wear masks indoors and maintain physical distancing.
This is an Adult Education program at TBG. All participants must be 16+.
We appreciate your support and cooperation.
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 1 at 12:00 pm