Support the Garden You Love

Forty years ago, we set foot into what is now Toronto Botanical Garden and have not looked back since. What began as a search for “how to garden” books, led us on a new path, discovering a world of educational opportunities and idyllic gardens. A remarkable aspect of the Garden is that during each visit, we see new growth, leaving Eleanor and me with so many precious and memorable experiences. However, throughout the years and many changes, the renewed beauty remains the same. This is not an accident, but a purposeful synergy between volunteers, donors, staff, and nature itself. We are honoured to be annual donors, as well as lifetime learners and volunteers for a garden that has and will always be free and accessible to the surrounding community. 

Almost every week, we experience beauty when walking the various paths with their everchanging colourful displays. The many bird sounds flowing from the trees and shrubs add to the experience. There is always something new to discover and keeps us returning for more.  

The abundant beauty you see today is the result of the seeds that were planted in the past. Donating today will cultivate even more exceptional experiences for years to come. 

Our gardens are flourishing because YOU take the time to protect and maintain them. Your generous donation will help to build a garden that is tenacious in promoting biodiversity, improving mental well-being, and bringing people and nature together. As we make our annual gift to TBG, we ask that you join us in giving cheerfully and generously, knowing that your contribution will grow our community’s connection with plants, nature, and the outdoors.  

Join us in donating to the Garden by visiting or calling 416-397-1483, so that together, we can build a brighter future for the Toronto Botanical Garden and the community it serves. 


Eleanor & Peter Heinz

Honorary Chairs
Hearts & Flowers Campaign 2022

P.S. It is imperative to note that by donating today, you will help Toronto Botanical Garden to build a more vibrant future for all to enjoy. Donate easily at

Photo: Eleanor and Peter in their beloved Mid-Toronto home garden.